Monday 30 August 2021

My Book

Today I rad a amazing book it was really awesome I loved it. It was all about a girl named Emily she was taken over by a Pheonix and lost control of her body. So her friends and her kingdom helped save her from losing control. And her family was on a mission to destroy a planet that conquers other planets. So they must've had a strange journey. that was a great story i hope you read it. When you read the book I bet that the book will do a lot more explaining than I explained. And i only rad half way.

Te Waka O Aoraki


Box Method

Monday 23 August 2021


My Best Friends

Today I will be talking about my best friends, My best friends are good and kind but sometimes gos to detintion but still they are my best friends. One fact about one of my best buddies is that he automatacaly falls on purpose. And of course they are all in my class and are all boys. And plus whenever one of us has a ball we all play with the person that has a ball it doesn't matter what ball it is they still play. They look very tall two of them are even more taller than me so do not call me short ok. But let us move on I really like my friends I have. One of them gets angry all the time, the other one tries to trip me over but I do not care because I know he did not mean it. And the other one he is like the boss. Finally my favourite thing they do to me is that they always invite me to their birthday parties. And that is all I like from my best friends.

A Piece Of Paradise

Friday 6 August 2021

Number Of The Week



Before I started writing I was in class sitting on the mat. Then Mrs Adina told the Magic Space that we are going to Kiwisport. For Kiwisport we did Basketball. Our coach's name was coach Leon. He told us the rules and the rules were don’t talk while the coach is talking and I forgot the second rule but the last rule was have fun. And now on to the dribbling rules the first dribbling rule was dribble with your finger tips, bounce the ball as high as your waist and I forgot another rule again but that's fine. And that's all the rules and now time for the game. One of the games was called Eight Passes, the rules were the first team to get eight passes wins and that's how the game is called Eight Passes. So we started with Jaxson getting the ball first. Then he tries to pass the ball to someone but the other team steals the ball. They passed it to someone and they got one pass and Hunter tried to pass it to someone but I blocked the ball. It went flying and I catched the ball and started dribbling the ball while running. Then I passed it to the other Jaxon and we got a point. So we continued passing the ball but the other team kept on stealing the ball. They passed the ball to me a lot of times and finally they passed the ball to me again and it was the final pass until we won. I passed it to Emmanuel then we won the game. Then Emmanuel gave the ball to the coach then he told us we won. that was really fun.
